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Apparatus & Critical Spare Parts Engineering - Christof Group

Highly resistant in harsh environments

We are known for our unsurpassed knowledge of highly resistant materials and special metals needed for critical media. We employ sophisticated welding techniques to fabricate high-quality and customized critical process equipment for our clients’ plants. Precision workmanship and quality results are our hallmarks.
Carbon Steel
  • Extensive use of carbon steel in equipment manufacture, low and high temperature carbon steel, HIC resistant for critical purposes
  • In-house sandblasting, in-house heat treatments
Cladded Steels
  • Roll cladded and explosion cladded materials with stainless steel, alloy and titanium cladding are used 
  • Weld overlay cladding is performed in-house with specialised welders and machines
Copper Alloys
  • Copper, brass, bronze and other copper alloys can be processed
  • Special materials like Inoxyda can be used
Duplex Steels
  • Duplex, super-duplex and hyper-duplex steels are used
  • In-house pickling and passivation
High Silicon Steel
  • In addition to chromium and nickel, the 1.4361 (Bohler A610) austenitic steel contains about 4% silicon, making it corrosion resistant to high concentrated nitric acid.
  • Specially developed cooling devices are used during the welding process to avoid corrosion at the weld seems and the heat-affected zones during operation later on.
Nickel-based steel
  • Materials such as alloy 59, alloy 600, alloy 800; Hastelloy B3, Hastelloy C4; Monel and Inconel are used
  • In-house pickling and passivation
  • A high-alloy duplex stainless steel developed by Sandvik and Stamicarbon to withstand the corrosive environments present in the urea synthesis process. The duplex structure provides improved corrosion resistance (from the ferritic phase) and weldability (from the austenitic phase). SBN, a strategic partner of Stamicarbon, is renowned for its extensive use of Safurex® in manufacturing high-pressure equipment and components.
Stainless Steel
  • All kinds of stainless steel can be processed
  • In-house pickling and passivation
  • Different grades of titanium can be processed (e.g. titanium grade 1, 3, 5, 7)
  • Titanium can be used solid, explosion cladded or as liner
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